A balanced diet with low energy content.
Through the long years of sturgeons breeding, the growth environment has been optimized and, with the purpose of minimising the production of fats which would negatively affect the quality of the produced caviar, just balanced food with low energy content has been used.
We were awarded the Certificate Friend of the Sea.
See the certificate
Natural Growth
Respect for “sturgeons”
Respect for “sturgeons” starts from a careful water quality and water temperature management; for this reason, we maintain it in normal environmental conditions, while respecting its seasonal cycles with a range which varies from 13° to 20°C.
So, we get a slow natural growth and hence a best quality of caviar.

A complete
Acipenser follows the complete growth cycle of the fish, from egg to fry, therefore to berried female. Depending on the species to which the “sturgeon” belongs and as a result of loving attention and deep commitment, the berried female after 8-20 years reaches a weight between 15 and 50 Kg and produces those immature eggs that we call “Caviar”.
In the fish hatchery the environment is constantly controlled day and night and the “young sturgeons” stay here for 5/6 months before being placed in the big external growth tanks.

Ultrasound to
establish sex
Considering that “sturgeons” do not present sexual dimorphism, when the fishes reach the age of three or five, according to the species, they are subjected to an ultrasound check, which makes it possible to separate them between males and females.
On the contrary, when they are six/seven months old, “sturgeons” are checked individually by biopsy in order to accurately monitor the eggs maturation level.

Our Sturgeons Species