Acipenser the company and its history
Thanks to a staff that is constantly committed in the product research and innovation, Acipenser ensures Caviar of superior quality.
The company inception
Our fish farm was born in the 80’s as a troticulture.
In 1996 it was completely converted into sturgeon-culture thanks to the cooperation with Mr. Dalla Rosa Carlo, member of the Italian Sturgeon-culture Commission.
Current Acipenser General Manager.

The production of the first caviar begins
Some tanks were widened and extended and then the fish farm was intensified.
Nowadays, on a plot of about 10 hectares mainly occupied by raceways 1 km long, more than 200.000 “sturgeons” swim in the 80 tanks of our fish farm.

Acquisition by Copan Italia S.p.a.
Acipenser is owned by Copan Italia S.p.a., a world-wide multinational leader in the niche market of the clinical pre-analytic, pharmaceutical, forensic and food sector.
This company has distinguished itself over the years for ongoing scientific research and technological innovation. In June 2017 Copan decided to begin a new adventure in the fish farming sector of the “Sturgeon ready for Caviar”, by purchasing Acipenser with the intention of sharing its research and innovation strategies.